Alexander McIlwraith

Farm Business Registration

WireframeI redesigned a regulatory system to reduce the amount of data collected. I also wanted to streamline the registration process with a responsive, mobile-friendly interface. The way this programme is funded means this system does not get frequent updates. An upgrade to the payment gateway meant upgrading the code, so we needed to rebuild it from the ground up. Conflicting business requirements made this update challenging.

For this project, I facilitated collecting business requirements. I also created wireframes and implemented the visual design. And I mapped the customer journey through both a new registration and a renewal registration. The visual design was based on our visual style guide for forms.

The original system was a bespoke system. The decision was made to rebuild it from scratch in the cloud. This allowed us to redesign the interface to meet both the business and user experience requirements.

Initially, our brief was to collect less data. As we dug into various stakeholder needs, we found conflicting requirements. This was going to be a significant challenge. Stakeholders had a goal of reducing programme administration costs by having 90% of registrations being done online within 4 years. It was important to simplify the process if we were going to meet that goal.

ScreenshotI conducted workshops with business stakeholders, developers, and business analysts. We found that stakeholders needed users to be able to update their information; however, they did not have to update their information every time. I provided a design that hid information users did not need to review. If they wished to update the information, my design ensured that they were able to access it.

Through the development and testing cycle, I worked with developers to implement and style the product. We completed the development and testing cycle ensuring we met our usability and accessibility goals. The update saw an almost 150% increase in traffic to the product and saw a 112% increase in conversions.